Saturday, September 19, 2009

Preparing for Runaway

I finally got my act together and started getting things ready to head to Runaway Quilters this week. I'm taking the "Mexican Star" class. I guess I need to update my list of projects with all the new things I have started over the last couple of weeks...

While not a very good picture (my shadow is in the way!), here's a shot of the beginnings of my Runaway project. It's hard to see the colors in this photo, but I've gone with purple and teal. The background fabric pulls it all together, honest!

I also plan to take my Civil War repros and shirtings and try to make some headway on sewing the 20+ pages of triangle squares I've had sitting on top of the cabinet in my sewing room. It's funny how much we tend to think we can accomplish in a few days, isn't it? I keep thinking I need to prepare another wool applique block in case I finish the one I am working on, and I debated whether to cut more of the fabrics for the repro quilt in case I finished all those triangle squares. Chances are I won't even finish the current wool block and will end up working on my Mexican Star in sti & sew. I'm going to do my best to be really productive...we'll see how it goes!

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