Thursday, January 2, 2014

Word for 2014

Despite my disdain for resolutions and my inability to follow through with a list of personal goals, words of the year, etc., I just can't help myself!  Perhaps one of these years my efforts will pay off. (It's funny how much harder it is to stick to your goals when you have no one holding you accountable. I never have this problem in my professional life!)  So here it is - my word for 2014: Reduce.  Not a very glamorous word, to be sure...but something I really, really need to do.  I see many applications - weight, stress, my ever-growing pile of UFOs, my stash and the general clutter around the house for a start. The word came to me when I was thinking of making a resolution (don't worry, I got over it) to clean out something at least once a month this year. We have lived in our house for nearly 14 years now and we've accumulated so many things we need to get rid of!  Just the other day I was trying to find a place to store a new toy I received for Christmas and came across a combination portable radio/CD player/B&W television that I don't think I have ever seen before!  I have no idea where it came from...and it certainly isn't useful now! The clutter is truly out of control.

I managed to get quite a bit of sewing done over the holidays. I had a bit of a set-back on Celtic Solstice - I realized I used the wrong color fabric for the 48 units I completed for Step 5. It's a good thing I didn't finish the entire clue before making that discovery!  I have fixed 28 of them and have the other 20 ripped and ready to re-sew.  I also finished my pinwheels, made a bunch more HSTs, and made a few more 4 patches since my Monday post.

Bonnie posted the reveal at midnight New Year's Eve. The quilt is gorgeous! I made a mock-up of the blocks in my fabrics. My four patches aren't going the right direction in the photo but you get the general idea.  The good news is that I can use the extra 3.5" strips I cut of the wrong color in my outer border.

One of my Facebook friends posted "New year = New project" on her wall yesterday. I usually do just that...I usually love to start new projects while I am off over the holidays. This year, however, is different. I have so many beautiful projects I have already started that I really want to finish.  It's sad to see how many years some of my UFOs have been abandoned (some for many, many years!).

I thought about trying to pick two or three that I would concentrate on finishing before moving on to any others but can't make myself choose just yet - it's like choosing a favorite child!  A couple that are high on my list are my LeMoyne Stars and my 2013 BOTP class project.  I managed to finish another LeMoyne Star block over the holidays.  That leaves three 12" blocks and seven 6" blocks to go.

I spent a little time yesterday prepping a couple more pieces for my BOTP block.  Here's where that one currently stands:

I have several other projects I would really love to get back to in 2014.  One of my favorites is the Prairie Peony quilt.  I only have four blocks pieced and two partially appliqued - I have a long way to go on that one.

My goal for January will be to progress my Celtic Solstice, LeMoyne Star and BOTP projects.  I will try to overcome temptation and stay away from the other projects that are calling my name (including my wool applique and English paper piecing) until I've made significant progress on these.  (Notice I didn't say 'finish" steps!)


Heather said...

That Iris is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Talking about reduce...I've been back at clearing out the accumulation in the basement. Came across an old laptop. I don't remember us ever owning a laptop. Called my son and he said that indeed we did. Now I need to find a place to dispose of it.