I've been busy lately - it's hard to believe I haven't posted in three weeks! I just returned from the most wonderful quilting event - the innaugural Baltimore on the Prairie applique conference. How wonderful it was to spend three and a half days completely immersed in applique! I took a class from Kathy Delaney. The block we worked on is actually the BOP logo, so I am particularly excited to finish it. Although I have had classes with Kathy a couple of times in the past, I did learn new things and really enjoyed myself. The evening programs were lots of fun and very inspirational. I added several projects to my mental "to do" list after seeing all the beautiful work presented by the faculty and students. One project that really grabbed my attention was a Baltimore done on a black background. It was really striking! I know that I already have way too many applique projects in the works, but I just may have to start a Baltimore...
Here's a picture of the BOP faculty taken at the last evening program:

The faculty included Jan Carlson, Jeanne Sullivan, Nadine Thompson, Nancy Kerns, and Kathy Delaney. Also pictured is Tresa Jones, the co-director and organizer extraordinaire. Everyone did such an awesome job planning and executing the event. It was truly outstanding! I'm anxiously awaiting the information on next year's program - I can't wait to do it again!