Saturday, February 11, 2012

Another Evening of Beautiful Quilts

Today's workshop was fantastic!  We learned to weave a basket with embroidery floss (yes, I am serious!), made a tiny little butterfly by gathering a circle of fabric, made a sheep with colonial knots, learned a couple of silk ribbon flower techniques, and made the tiniest little bee wings with organza and wire (that one wasn't my favorite - I will stick with the sheep!).  I am truly enjoying this class.  Never a dull moment!

Tonight's show & tell brought more gorgeous quilts.  Sharon Schamber displayed her newest piece which I assume we will see hanging with a big ribbon in Paducah - it is gorgeous! The Massachusetts quilts were also displayed tonight.  Here are a couple I particularly liked:

Mildred, a relatively new appliquer from Hawaii (she started in 2005), showed two absolutely gorgeous quilts.  This one was inspired by Captain Cook and has all sorts of symbolism designed into it - it was amazing!

I wish I could have gotten a picture of the whole quilt.  It was truly outstanding!  I did get a chance to get a picture of Rita Verocca with her award-winning quilt:

Time to get back to my sheep - I can't wait to get his little body filled with a thousand or so colonial knots!

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