It's not the best picture - taken by a cell phone in a dark bar - but this band was excellent! We had dinner at Rendevous (I'm just not a rib person..), walked around Beale St. for a while, and then ended up at the bar next to Rum Boogie Cafe listening to these guys. I didn't get back to the hotel in time to get any sewing done.
I'm slowly but surely getting this month's My Garden Album block finished. I'm more than half way done. I'm also about half way done with block one of my Sue Spargo BOM. The only other thing I can take credit for is my rug. I made a fair amount of progress.
Next month is crazy with travel and lots of opportunities to acquire new projects, so I am going to have to work extra hard to knock at least a few things off the April list. I'll have to post the list tomorrow - it's time to shut down the computer and spend a few minutes playing with my youngest...after all, it is his fourth birthday! He's a happy little boy today - new treats and new toys!