Sunday, April 18, 2010

Farewell, Chicago!

I spent yesterday at the IQA Spring Festival in Chicago.  We made a marathon day of it, leaving here at 6 AM and returning around 11 PM.  It is a great show, particularly in the way of vendors.  Here's one of my absolute favorites - Primitive Gatherings.  I started the show and made my first purchase at their booth.

I was incredibly disappointed to hear that this was the last year for Chicago.  They are moving the show to Cincinnati.  It will be a week earlier next year, but it still doesn't really make sense to try to head all the way to Ohio right before the Paducah show. I also think that AQS is short-changing the Paducah show and that is has lost a bit of its former glory.  I think it's a shame that they are spreading themselves so thin and that they have had so much trouble at Paducah.  I hope we don't end up losing all of the really good shows in the midwest. 

I am heading to Paducah on Tuesday.  I did manage to get a little bit of sewing done last week and plan on doing at least a little more while in Paducah, but I think it's safe to say that I will be coming up short on accomplishments again this month.  To make matters worse, I picked up at least a half dozen new projects yesterday.  And one is another BOM.  Oh no!!!

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