Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Another Rug Finished!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Block #5 Finished!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Rethinking my Baltimore
I finally finished hooking my Basketful rug. Now all I need is to find the right color yarn to bind it with... Everything I have on hand is too light. Hopefully I will be able to find something to do the trick at Nola's this weekend. I've moved on to hooking he Illinois postcard rug and feel like I am making decent progress on that one. I'd love to get it finished and get back to the one from Anita's class. I love that one!
Hopefully I will have a picture or two to show some progress this weekend - if trying to catch up with Christmas shopping doesn't get in the way!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Beginning my Baltimore
I have managed to keep up with My Garden Album yet again. I finished block four yesterday. I had stopped by Homestead Hearth on my way home from the lake on Monday and was told that the next one had shipped, so I was very anxious to get it done before the mail arrived!
I'm also continuing to work on my baskets. I have six completed, I believe. Only 285 left to go! They are fun to work on and are pretty simple, so they make a good "on-the-go" project.
It's back to the rug for the rest of the night - I'd really rather applique, but I'll never make my self-imposed deadline if I don't get on it!

Monday, November 16, 2009
Need a vacation...
I did have a bit of a break-through yesterday. I decided how I would do the bottom of the "Basketful" rug and found a "close enough" match to the wool I ran short on, so everything is now in place for me to finish that one off. I just need to wash the new wool, pull a few strips from the completed leaves, and mix things up so it looks like I planned it that way. I'll be SOOOO glad to have this rug finished! I'm dying to get back to some of the other projects I started this year.
I'm really looking forward to our upcoming Baltimore album TAS group and can't wait to get going on my first block. I think we are going to go with a wreath to get started, and I have found a wonderful wreath in a pattern I recently received from the Maryland Historical Society. Now I just need to decide whether to go with the Moda Bleached White or Kona Snow for background. I'm leaning toward the Moda. Perhaps I should order another bolt...
I'm also very excited about Nola's plans for next year's wool club. It sounds like she has lots of ideas to really get our creative juices flowing. I am already thinking about a couple of things I would like to do. Oh no - more projects!
I'm very much looking forward to being off work next week. The stress of not knowing what the future holds is starting to get to me. It's tough to stay motivated. I'm really itching to fly the coop! I'd love to head down to the lake for a quiet, no errands required mini-retreat. Perhaps I can get away for a day or two next week before the holiday madness begins...
Monday, November 2, 2009
Keeping Up!
I need to choose a 2010 project for my Primitives Yahoo group. I am really interested in beginning an album quilt, and I would also dearly love to reproduce an antique applique project. I also have a burning desire to start at least one of the Nancy Page quilts - I just can't decide whether to start with the leaves, the birds, or the laurel wreath. Of course, none of those are very primitive (although the "rules" don't specify that the project has to be prim), so I am considering a few others that fit the bill a little better. I'd love to get started on Wedding March, and also would like to do the taupe quilt from Homestead Hearth. I also purchased all the fabric to make a log cabin with applique - again, not very primitive, but I'd like to get it done. Decisions, decisions! Thankfully I have a few more weeks to mull it over...

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wishin' I could be in Houston
Once again, I have gone off the deep end and started yet another new project. It's so hard to resist when you see all the wonderful patterns and fabrics out there! This one is the basket quilt from "When the Wind Blows", another book I picked up during the shop hop last weekend. I am using Brannock & Patek's Blessings fabric, a new Moda line that just hit the shops. I started with a layer cake (also picked up during the hop), but now need to order lots more. I finished the first basket last night - only 290 left to go!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Shop Hopping
I headed up to Versailles, MO to Linda's Cotton Patch this afternoon. I love Linda's shop, especially all the wonderful Japanese taupes. I left there with a few more pieces that I couldn't live without as well as a couple other odds and ends I needed. I then headed to Stover to visit the three quit shops there. I found the "When the Wind Blows" book I had been looking for - spent more than I would have on Amazon, but I really wanted it now... I also picked up a few of the new "nutmeg" Hoffman batiks. I'm starting to collect for the Falling Leaves pattern. I decided it calls for autumn colors instead of the brights I was thinking about. I then ofcused on collecting a bunch of Civil War repros for the basket quilt I am so in love with. The prices were certainly right! I will need some shirtings or other old-looking neutrals for the background. I'm toying with the idea of heading up to Mexico on my way home tomorrow. I know they would have them there.
Tomorrow I will definitely visit the shops in Greenview and Camdenton. I won't be able to make it to the shops that are further out west, but may stop at another shop or two as I make my way home.
In between all the shopping and driving, I did manage to finish block six of my Summer's End project. I'm hoping that block three of My Garden Album is waiting for me at home. I'm ready to switch back to cotton for at least a few days!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Inspiration Overload!

I am planning to make my way down to the Ozarks this weekend to participate in the Country Shop Hop. I won't be able to make it to all the participating shops, but will be able to get to about half of them and might stop by a couple others along the way. I don't need a thing - definitely no new projects - but I haven't done a hop in a while so it sounds like fun.
I have made an effort to get back to my Basketful rug this week. My goal is to have it completed by Oct. 24. Perhaps if I take it (and no applique) with me to the lake I can make some progress!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Back from Runaway
Here's the latest Summer's End block:

I finished my second My Garden Album BOM block before leaving for Runaway but didn't get a chance to post it:

Between BOP, a new Yahoo group I found, Runaway, and a stop at the Cotton Patch quilt shop in Woodlawn, IL, I have been inspired to start numerous new projects. I plan to start at least one new one tomorrow. Now I just have to decide which one!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Preparing for Runaway

I also plan to take my Civil War repros and shirtings and try to make some headway on sewing the 20+ pages of triangle squares I've had sitting on top of the cabinet in my sewing room. It's funny how much we tend to think we can accomplish in a few days, isn't it? I keep thinking I need to prepare another wool applique block in case I finish the one I am working on, and I debated whether to cut more of the fabrics for the repro quilt in case I finished all those triangle squares. Chances are I won't even finish the current wool block and will end up working on my Mexican Star in sti & sew. I'm going to do my best to be really productive...we'll see how it goes!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Summer's End Block 4
Inspired by Kathy Delaney's class and quilt at BOP, I pulled out my Hearts and Flowers blocks last night. I started the project with my applique group in 2006, when I was very new to applique. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I did a pretty decent job on them! I have nine blocks finished, but had started a tenth one to replace one I wasn't too impressed with. I don't think I ever planned to make all twelve - I was shooting for nine. After close inspection, I have decided that I need to redo the flower on one of the blocks, but the other seven are in good shape. I think I will try to get the new block finished and the flower reworked over the weekend, and then set my sights on designing a setting. I think it needs something on the border, but I'm not sure what yet. I like Kathy's Celtic hearts, but don't think I want to commit to quite that much additional work...I want to finish this one in time for show & tell at BOP next September!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Baltimore on the Prairie
Here's a picture of the BOP faculty taken at the last evening program:

The faculty included Jan Carlson, Jeanne Sullivan, Nadine Thompson, Nancy Kerns, and Kathy Delaney. Also pictured is Tresa Jones, the co-director and organizer extraordinaire. Everyone did such an awesome job planning and executing the event. It was truly outstanding! I'm anxiously awaiting the information on next year's program - I can't wait to do it again!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
First Garden Album Block Done
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Awesome Find in NYC

And here's a shot of the awesome collection of silk:

It's going to be hard to resist going back when I'm here in September!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Another Retreat
I also made a little progress on my first "My Garden Album" block. The new BOM started last week. It's a great pattern and the fabrics are fun - lots of different colors and prints - but it pales in comparison to the Botanicals blocks. I am really, really hoping to keep up with this one. I lost that battle on "Applique Affair" - I'm hopelessly behind on that one. I always start with such good intentions!
I'm off to New York for the rest of the week. I plan to pack plenty of applique to work on but probably won't get much done. I am hoping to get over to the garment district if my work schedule allows. I've heard that it's really something to see!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Progress Report

I'm counting down until the next retreat...Only a couple more days! We'll be back at the B&B, but this time with a teacher that I have been wanting to take a class from for years. I still need to make a decision on a background and perhaps wind a few more bobbins to add to my thread collection before I'm ready to go. I haven't decided what project to work on prior to the class - my wool, my new BOM, or even the cutwork, which is one of the teacher's patterns. Decisions, decisions!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Another Summer's End Block Finished!
I really should press these blocks before I post them, but I'm always so excited to have one finished that I can't wait to get a picture! I will have to start prepping block four tomorrow so I can get a start on it at bee Tuesday. I don't know how many weeks are left in the program; all I know is that I am hopelessly behind!
I really hope that the new BOM from Homestead Hearth arrives this week. I'd love to get started on it (yes, I am totally crazy!). I'm also dying to get a start on either Falling Leaves or Laurel Wreath from my Nancy Page patterns. I need more time!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Weekend Projects
It really doesn't look like there's that much left, but when you look closely you see that it's probably half the rug.
Unfortunately, today hasn't been that successful from a productivity standpoint. I tried to start my Turning Leaves quilt using machine applique. I used King Tut variegated thread and really didn't like the result. I think I will either need to do invisible machine applique or go back to the original plan of hand appliqueing it. Of course, if I add it to the hand work list, there's little chance it will ever get done!
Tonight I worked on block three of my wool applique project. I botched the positioning of the center star badly, and it all but fell apart when I took it off and tried to redo it. I think the best bet is to find some wool in a similar color and start over. A couple of the star points are just threads now. Very sloppy!
I'm hopeful that tomorrow will be a little less frustrating...
Monday, July 27, 2009
Monday again...Bummer!
I decided to start on my Turning Leaves quilt, too. Why not? What's one more UFO? I originally thought that I would do it by hand, but after thinking about it this weekend, I think I will try machine applique. I have some beautiful King Tut threads that will look great with my bright fabrics. I have so many hand applique projects in progress and plan to start so many more that it seems crazy to add that one to the list.
I began to prep Summer's End block three when I got home last night. Hopefully I can get some of the wool cut out and get it started after the baby shower tonight.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Retreat - Day One
Thursday, July 23, 2009
One more day until retreat
I need to do a little shopping tonight anyway - my gift certificate is waiting for me at The Quilted Fox, and tonight will be my only opportunity to use my Jackman's coupon. Perhaps something will catch my eye, and I can add another UFO to my list!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
So many projects, so little time!
So what's the next big project? I have started a drunkard's path in 30s fabrics and have purchased some of the fabrics for the cover quilt on the current issue of Fons & Porter magazine. Although I have fallen in love with the look of the 30s fabrics, I think I need to do a bright quilt to appease my husband's tastes. I think the bright colors will work with the pattern...I can't wait to get started on it!

Sunday, May 10, 2009
One down (almost)!
Now I need to focus my attention on getting my rug from camp finished. I have two new starts coming up in the next five weeks, so I'd love to get something else off the list. I'm continuing to try and get at least a wall hanging finished for the quilt show. It's starting to look like I won't be able to get the big quilt quilted in time. I'm a bit disappointed, but maybe I'll learn my lesson and actually get a few projects finished before the 2011 show!
Monday, April 27, 2009
So Much Inspiration!
I purchased tons of fabric and quite a few beautiful patterns in Paducah. I was sucked in by Primitive Pastimes in Chicago (again!) and ended up buying three more wool applique kits. I still haven't touched the two from last year! I'm particularly anxious to get started on the cutwork pattern I purchased from Dinah Jeffries.
I finished my inspirational week by attending wool club at Nola's yesterday. This month's wool was a beautiful blue/jewel-colored spot dye. We chose colors for my upcoming scroll class and discussed possibilities for Anita's class in June. I'm leaning toward choosing a crewel pattern for that one. My colors will likely be very similar to the ones I chose for the scrolls. Of course, I can't think about the fact that I am starting TWO new rugs in the next month and a half.
My goals for this week are to deliver my Faceted Jewels quilt to Jackie and finish the prodded flower basket. Oh, and I plan to send in my "Cash Dash" form to the state. Wouldn't it be nice to find out they owe me enought to purchase a longarm?!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Making Progress
I finished the last of the center blocks for my Faceted Jewels quilt tonight. Much to my dismay, I wasn't able to check off another step on the pattern. There are about 30 more partial blocks that have to be made beofre step 7 is complete. I hope to get back to it tomorrow night...after the applique class, of course!
I'm thinking that I may design a 9 block (or possibly 4 block) Baltimore album-style rug for the class with Anita White. I think she'd be great with something like that and I think I would enjoy it more than working on that Emma Lou pattern I found in my stash.
I hope to do a little more organizing tomorrow. I want to start moving things to the basement but there's still a lot of cleaning, moving and planning necessary before I can completely move in. I haven't decided what all will go down there - I need to spend a little more time planning, but that cuts into the quilting & hooking time! Of course, there are a few other things on the "to do" list, too. Hmmm....how much longer do I have to get those taxes finished?
Monday, March 9, 2009
Crazy Quilting & Rug Hooking
I spent the week of Feb 9th taking a class on crazy quilting at the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, KY. The class was absolutely wonderful! Judith was a fantastic teacher, and I really appreciated and enjoyed having the ability to focus on a single project all week. I'm so used to the 6-hour workshop that you leave with little more than a block or two.
Last week was our 2009 Toddhall rug camp. Our teacher this year was Cynthia Norwood. She was wonderful! She was really a lot of fun and we learned so much about antique paisley shawls and creating antique-looking rugs. I am working on a really fun pattern - the flowers are a bit on the modern side, yet I am hooking it in really primitive, old-looking colors. I can't wait to finish it!
In addition to the above, I spent several days in New York City and had a chance to visit The City Quilter. What a fun shop! I also attended a retreat at a little bed and breakfast in Collinsville, IL where I worked on the first two Bunny Hill BOM blocks. I still need to complete the embroidery, but the applique was finished just in time for the release of block #3.
I am starting yet another rug in a class at Nola's this week, and attending a wool applique class on Saturday. I really need to stop starting all these new things and focus on getting a few quilts finished for the quilt show. June will be here before we know it!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Creative Juices Project #1
Friday, January 23, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
First Finish!
Facing Reality
I've decided to switch over to the Fraktur rug for a while I'm less than half way done with that one. The teacher of that class, Susan Feller, contacted us to ask for photos of finished projects for possible inclusion in an upcoming book. I'd love to be able to finish in time for possible consideration. I think it means having it done within the next month or so.
I have been working on my Faceted Jewels quilt and am making headway on that project. I am hoping to have that one completed, including quilting, in time for the quilt show. Hopefully I will be able to list it as my first completion for 2009.
I did manage to add another project to my ever-growing wish list yesterday - an X-block project. One of the demo-day teachers at the LQS had made up the "Venetian Tiles" pattern with horizontal black "lines" instead of the vertical light lines shown on the pattern cover. She had used scraps of reds, blues, golds, and greens for the colors in the quilt, keeping them all together in each block. Hard to describe, but really striking. I may use this for my retreat project at the end of February. Of course, that would mean taking one of the others off the list. Hmmm....decisions, decisions!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Back to Work...Sigh!
I'll have to try out the new camera and post a picture of my works-in-progress in the next couple of days. My short-term goal is to complete hooking the Illinois rug and finish sewing down the binding tape on the basket rug BEFORE I take Nola's "Creative Juices" class on January 19. It would be very exciting to complete two UFOs before the end of January - what a great way to start the year!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
My List for 2009
Top Ten Quilt Projects
1. Applique Affair BOM
2. Elegant Garden
3. Joy's Garden
4. Feathered Friends
5. Sweet Annies' BOM
6. Tile Tango I & II
7. Faceted Jewels
8. Holiday Sampler
9. Disappearing Nine Patch (batiks)
10. Dear Jane
Top Five Rug Projects
1. Baskets
2. Illinois Postcard
3. Fraktur
4. Jumbo Star
5. Paisley
I may start another BOM next week, and if so will have to eliminate one of the listed projects to accomodate it. As a project is completed, it can be replaced with another. If nothing else, it should be fun to track progress over the year and see where my time goes...